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Search Results

There were no products that contained all of the words in your query. These products contain some of the words:
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IP67 80CH UHF Hand-held Radio. Waterproof and dustproof (IP67) 5 Year Warranty on radio 18hr battery (BP280) Compact and rugged construction (based on a commercial product)
DON'T PAY $360
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IP67 80CH UHF Hand-held Radio. Waterproof and dustproof (IP67) 5 Year Warranty on radio 18hr battery (BP280) Compact and rugged construction (based on a commercial product)
DON'T PAY $360
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True 1
40 presets (20 Digital, 20 FM) 2.8 TFT full colour display Speaker: Full-range 3" drive unit
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True 1
40 Station Presets Rechargeable Battery Snooze Handle Full colour display
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