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This range of quality 16mm and 26m diameter low Wattagefluorescent lamps is suitable for use in emergency, cabinet and task lighting applications Wattage: 8W Colour: Cool White Pins: Bi-Pin Colour Temperature: 4000K
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True 1
This range of tri-phosphor T8 Florescent lamps comply with the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for fluorescent lamps as set by the Australian Government. Theirlong effective lamp life combined with their superb colour rendering capabilities makes them a value for money solutionto lighti Wattage: 36W Colour: Daylight Pins: Bi-Pin Colour Temperature: 6,000K
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True 1
This range of quality 29mm diameter circular fluorescent lamps offer the same advantages as linear fluorescent tubes. Wattage: 40W Colour: Cool White Pins: 4 Pin Colour Temperature: 4,000K
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